
TableMaths by Traction


Updates are automatic and usually don't require chaning your bookmarklet.

v1.2.1 06 Mar 2017 by TheSeg

  • SCSS Lint cleanup.
  • Declare more style element to prevent style overlap.
  • Minor copy changes to index page.

v1.2.0 24 Feb 2017 by TheSeg

A number of performance issues are fixed along with changes in style. You should notice quicker loads and little to no failures when loading.

  • External library loading works a lot more consistently.
  • Moved to serving an external stylesheet.
  • Resize image is now retina ready (and beyond).
  • Removed the Opera / MSIE check. Please make an issue if your browser isn’t working.
  • jQuery 3.1.1
  • ESLint was added for development.

v1.1.0 08 Feb 2017 by TheSeg

  • Converted to HTTPS (where available).
  • Added .editorconfig for standardizing file formats.
    • Formatting changes to all files reflected.
  • Added a, mirroring HTML text.
  • Bumped version number.

v1.0.0 08 Feb 2017 by TheSeg


  • Initial Release.